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Data-Driven Systems -Seoul Metropolitan Subway

My fascination with the Seoul Metropolitan Subway (SMS) dates back several years. I have always marveled at how simple and convenient it is to navigate such an obviously complex system. Its efficiency, dependability, and overall aesthetic appeal easily puts the New York Subway to shame (Granted, the NY subway opened in the early 1900s). A very intricate system, the SMS is part of an intelligent network involving several other systems. I chose to study the use of smart cards (in part due to its feasibility) since it’s central to the interaction people have with the subway. One of the concepts I highlight in my study is how data-driven systems create reinforced feedback loops of growth.

The OECD’s data value cycle is a good illustration of the concept. Collecting data, analyzing it, and accumulating over time enhances decision-making and generates value-added growth. The SCTS facilitates the continuous generation of data which feeds decisions about how to optimize the system. It often goes unnoticed, but this is an affordance of digital systems -the ability to transmit encoded information for analysis. This results in a feedback loop which reinforces itself exponentially.

Technologists, developers, and policy-makers need to consider this when making plans for new projects. In this era of digital transformation, data is the oil that runs all sectors of the modern economy. Certainly, when we discuss data we also need to discuss privacy. Fortunately, these are issues that are being widely discussed in the international arena. And from systems like the SCTS, we can learn how to navigate the stormy seas of security and privacy. My study highlights many other issues which I plan to explore in greater depth. Till then, every time I ride the subway, I will leave with a question or two.


OECD (2015), Data-Driven Innovation: Big Data for Growth and Well-Being, OECD Publishing, Paris.

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